Selasa, 01 September 2009

Whacky Wednesday

Ahhh the Duggars are at it again. The family gathered around to announce to the world, that baby number 19 is due sometime after their first grandchild.

I'm happy for them, I really am.....But one has to wonder, when enough is enough?

With having a genetic disorder, where the odds of passing it on to your children is 50%, I wavered with my choice to have children. And to keep having them. My feelings were that NF was not going to rob me of being a mommy.

Risks are made, with each and every pregnancy. One could be totally and completely "healthy", and give birth to a child with severe medical needs. So who decides?

Michelle Duggar is very obviously blessed with 18 very beautiful, very healthy children, I hope and pray her 19th baby is just as healthy. But I also know, that if she were met with the challenges of having a child with special needs....the Lord would take care of her and the family.

I would have 50 more babies, if fate so saw it that way. I don't see my NF children as "disabled"....they have special needs...and have a special mommy to take care of those special needs. I am so blessed and I am reminded of this every single day.

Don't more babies are on their way. I get reminded all the time, that Bailey only has about 5 yrs to go, before becoming a mother, if she follows in my footsteps....~~~cringe~~~ LOL

Bless this baby, and the siblings ---

***RIP POP....I know you are in a better place now! I'm so glad I got to hug you one last time. I love you so much!

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