Senin, 21 September 2009

Turn it around Tuesday

Today at Rachel's Ophthalmology appointment, we sat nervously as Rachel read the charts. She did this a month ago, only to have the Dr, give me the news that Rachel's vision is getting worse and worse.

We were told last month, that Rachel could be legally blind, by age ten. The news hit us hard, but all we could do was to watch and wait.

This appointment was very important. We have been patching and using the drops as consistently as possible. I noticed, quite often that Rachel would tip her glasses and look over them. She told me she sees "better" without the glasses. What we found out, is that she doesn't see "better", but it takes less work for her to see, and it's more comfortable without them.

Even with Rachel's complaints....we made her wear her glasses. "Keep your glasses on", we'd constantly remind her. It seems our persistence paid off. Today's visit, showed an improvement in Rachel's vision! It was a slight improvement...but we will take it!

Before this appointment, I began to feel fear....but what I am trying to do, when I feel this feeling, is to pray harder.... To ask God to come closer to me. Tell God, I need Him. I went in this morning with Rachel, expecting a miracle. ( I even Facebooked it ) I was ready to receive.

Even David felt fear as he faced Goliath. He faced his fears head on, knowing God was the one who would protect him.

Always believe....never give up.

I may not be posting much this week....I will be in and out of Brain Scans. Praying for answers!
God Bless

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