Kamis, 10 September 2009

Freaky Friday Facts


*About 46.2 MILLION Americans are without health insurance! (about 10 million of those people are CHILDREN!)

* About 20,000 American DIE every year, because they don't have insurance. (or can't go to the DR. because of the lack of insurance)

* 1/3 of those that are uninsured, suffer from some kind of chronic illness. That's stuff like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure etc.

*Medical bills are responsible for 60% of the bankruptcies in the US.

*And what's interesting 75% of the above mentioned HAD HEALTH INSURANCE!!

*For an average family....About 5,000 per year is spent on health insurance. This does not include deductables, co-pays and out-of pocket.

All of this info was easily found, just by typing questions into Google, reading and researching....I find it so sad, that so many people go without good / quality health care, and are left to die....This is America....I sure hope GOOD changes are in store for everyone!


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