Kamis, 03 September 2009

Freaky Friday


I had my second meeting with Toastmasters tonight and I had a good time. A little more relaxed than last time, but still quite nervous. (Thus the whole point of me going to Toastmasters) *smile* Just the fact I joined TM is good enough for a FREAKY FRIDAY POST! :)

I was picked for Table Topics, and given a one word topic to talk about for 1-2 minutes. The general topic was "How would you change this...." And my word was "personal".

I wiggled around in my chair, stood up, knew exactly what I wanted to say, started out really really good....then fell flat on my face. BAM "umm Uhh ummm" 51 seconds of jibberish came out of my mouth.

I need A LOT of practice. But I'm there...I'm doing it. Toastmasters is something I said I'd NEVER do. But, with work, and a lot of nail biting, perhaps I will become comfortable infront of crowds.

Have a GREAT WEEKEND.....be safe and enjoy the holiday!


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