Rabu, 09 September 2009

Thriving Thursday

Some people think that thriving means being strong; keeping feelings locked in and carrying on like a barbarian. I personally see doing that as denial. With THRIVING, for me, comes acceptance, embracing the existence of whatever it may be that ails you.

When you accept the existence of an illness, you are not accepting ITS power...You are accepting YOUR power to do something about it. Using that power to teach others, sharing experiences, and getting the word out.

Seeing the right Doctors and receiving proper treatment..Is using your power....It's YOUR right to fight for your health. And sometimes you have to fight hard. I had my first MRI in MAY 2009. I JUST received the results of that scan AUGUST! The scan showed Hydrocephalus, swollen ventricles and a 4mm (non NF mass) I was told by my Neurologist that I required several tests, and a possible shunt. (This was 2 wks ago!) I am on 2 different medications, with some weird side effects....and have called my Neuro several times, only to be ignored. See? Fight hard! While I cant do anything about the missing months, I am now firmly in control of my future....I'm going to keep calling....keep fighting.

Whether you have NF or MS or MD or hundreds of other health issues - acceptance trumps denial...And I shamelessly accept, that I have NF. In fact, having NF has made me into a much more stronger, caring, sympathetic, peaceful person......who will fight hard for what she believes in.

Sure, there are times when I don't feel like fighting, don't feel like thriving. Sometimes I think I'm in the ring with Mike Tyson, getting knocked out, over and over again. With Braden's, Rachel's and now my own health issues, I often find myself extremely overwhelmed.

I cry out for guidance, only to be met with more challenges. Some days I feel lost, and the easiest thing to do, would be for me to give up. But me giving up, doesn't just involved ME....It would mean giving up on my children....my family....my friends.....I look around and see my life surrounded by people who care about me....who are cheering for me to keep going. Who could give up, with life cheerleaders like that?

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