Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

Thriving Thursday

“Move out of your comfort zone.
You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.”
Brian Tracy

Fear doesn't rob you of anything directly. Fear simply creates an uncomfortable physical and mental state. This is a place I have lived in my entire life. Fearful of what other people thought of me having a disorder like Neurofibromatosis.
I was even scared of my NF...After years of denying -- avoiding my own diagnoses, finally accepting it, brought with it, many unknowns. I didn't like it at all, but avoiding the NF wasn't doing me any good.
When I chose to "Thrive" with NF....It wasn't just that I was finally taking responsibility for my health, it was more that I was choosing to show my children, and others, that staying in the fear was not an option. The fear was done controlling me! I wanted to help show people that they were not alone in their world of Neurofibromatosis.

But when I walked into Monique's Salon, in Spokane Valley, the fear hit me hard! I didn't know if the staff had ever seen anyone with Neurofibromatosis. Would they want to touch me? Would they see my bumps and freak out? I was scared that they would see the tumors on me and run the other direction--I was embarrassed.
The women there in fact had never seen or worked on anyone with NF...But I found comfort when the women who were involved in my make-over, truly wanted to know more, and understand what it was I live with everyday. They listened and asked questions about my NF...they were caring with the way they took care of me.

Sometimes, growth, requires us to become a bit uncomfortable. Stepping directly into yours fears, takes a lot of courage, but once you do it, the strength you gain is amazing!
I was made to feel amazing about my body. The ladies were not afraid of me, or the NF. Their loving hands massaged and worked on my body and taught me that not everyone is afraid of what they don't understand.

I wanted to THANK the staff of Monique's Salon....You helped me to be less afraid of what people think....you helped me overcome the fear of the whole "Spa Scene".
I loved my Make-Over day.....Thank you for being a part of helping me grow...and helping me THRIVE with NF!

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