Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

Ouch Ouch Ouch!

Well surgery is over, and my hand is bandaged up. I am very happy it's done and I know this short term pain, will get me to long term pain free (or so we hope)

The surgery was supposed to be Wednesday, but was postponed, because of technical issues. The Dr. came in and apologized and told me it was all on for Thursday at noon.

Before the surgery, Sonia and I went to visit the pediatric unit here at NIH. I met with one of the ladies that may be taking my kids on, in one of the studies! They really treat their people good here, and I would LOVE for my kids to experience this!

It wasn't long after we got back, that the stretcher to take me to the surgery came for me. I put my fancy gown, and my tights on and climbed aboard my chariot!

While in the holding area....the anaesthesiologist talked to me about the types of meds he could give to me, and we opted for a "digit block". He used a local anaesthetic and injected into my fingers...numbing them...totally. Then ... slowly ...adding a relaxing medicine into my IV.

The operation started with an incision and removal of the nail. Then, the Dr  hunted for the glomus tumors.

I was in 'Twilight' most of the time...talking about Red Lobster...the drifting off to sleep.

The numbing lasted all night, the pain started this morning.

I am supposed to be getting pics (we'll see)

My hand felt nothing as the procedure took place...And was bandaged up and I was wheeled back to my room.  The pain meds took care of most of the pain...and I could already feel a difference in how my hands felt.   AMAZING

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