Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

Thriving Thursday

<---Yup....This is officially how I feel lately!

My headaches have been HORRIBLE these last few days (tis' why I haven't been blogging-sorry)
I don't know what's happening inside my head, and maybe I am a bit afraid to find out....The pain and pressure has made me dizzy, sick to my stomach and extremely irritable! (sorry Rich)

I see my Neurologist next Friday, so maybe I can get some help. In the meantime, I am barely hanging on. The Percocet helps, but makes me feel foggy and loopy......Tramadol seems to do the trick, but I am almost out of those---so what do I do?!!?

At my appointment next week....I am going to beg for answers. I don't know very many people who are walking around with untreated Hydrocephalus. But I did join a group on Facebook for folks that have Hydrocephalus --and do not have a shunt....the group though....is eerily quiet. Maybe I should post and get it going...?

Anyways, my 'Thriving Thursday'....is just me, at my wits end...and in pain. It's amazing how much a headache can throw everything off balance (figuratively and literally) But even though the pain in my head, is screaming at me to throw over the covers and hide....I won't do that.

I am here....and I am THRIVING.

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