Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

I Can See Clearly Now...

I remember it like it was yesterday.  I held off telling my parents as long as possible... that I could no longer see the classroom chalk board.

As if 8th grade wasn't hard enough...Now I needed glasses!

I did every possible trick I could to avoid this day; squinting, pulling my eye lids back...But it was unavoidable. I went to the eye doctor and they confirmed that I definitely needed glasses, and were shocked that I had gotten along this well without them.

The moment I put the glasses on, my world changed.  Both for the good and the bad.  I had the weekend to get used to my "new look" and I was determined to make this be a positive change for me...

That Monday, I lasted 2 hours at school.  The glasses that were going to change my life forever, went into my pocket and I left the school in tears.  

It wasn't the mean comments, or even the boy who tripped me, making my glasses fly across the cafeteria that made me so mad.  It was the fact that no matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried, I was ALWAYS going to be different.  I was ALWAYS going to have to deal with people who just couldn't accept me... 

The 13 year old me wanted to disappear forever.  But I knew I couldn't.  The next day at school I was determined to not let the bullies affect me. (as much) :)  I proudly put on my glasses and walked to school...I was amazed that I could see all the details of the trees...I could see the faces of the drivers in their cars as they passed me...And I was excited to be able to copy my work of the chalk board in math class.

As hard as it was to accept that I would always be weird, chubby, bumpy and just different I knew it was my reality....I knew (even back then) that my life would be one where I had to fight for my happiness.  

We all have bullies in our life. Sometimes they're people. Sometimes they're disorders and diseases that won't go away. Sometimes they're emotions, from anger to fear to embarrassment to depression. The bullies will always be there. The question is, are you willing to stand up and fight? Let your voice be heard? Let those bullies know you aren't going to just run away, or worse, just stand there and take it?

Thrive On!

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