Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

Holy Dizziness Batman!

I thought it would pass...But after 2 weeks, I decided it was time to call my Neurologist.

I'm typically the one who toughs it out when it comes to things like this...Heck, when I had mono last year, my hubby practically had to nail the bedroom door shut, to keep me from trying to get up to clean or deal with the family.  

But I have learned this hard lesson...If I don't take care of myself...I could getting sicker...then what?

I made a call to my Neurologist this week, to schedule a check up...which I know will end in being given an MRI to check the status of my hydrocephalus and brain tumor.  I am half nervous and excited...to find out the cause of my daily dizziness.  More just anxious for an answer, I guess.

The hydrocephalus I have in short is-Untreatable.  The tumor is called a lipoma, which hasn't grown in 3 yrs.  So I have no idea why I have been having these dizzy spells.

So...Monday, it's off to the Neuro to hopefully get some answers!

Have a GREAT weekend everyone!

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