Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

Thriving Thursday

Defective: Adj; Meaning: Imperfect form

"In Neurofibromatosis, a genetic defect causes these neural crest cells to develop abnormally. This results in numerous tumors and malformations of the nerves, bones, and skin." The Medical Dictionary

I know about Neurofibromatosis. I know how the Medical books define it. But when I hear the word "defective" or "disease", I cringe. I don't label myself as defective! "Defective" is something you take back to the store for a refund!
I refuse to wear that title over my head!
Having Neurofibromatosis is challenging enough, wearing a defective sign around our neck is not something most of us should have to do...certainly not me. Next thing you know, you'll be walking down the street, and some Southern guy with a flannel shirt will come up to you and say "You're defective - Here's Your Sign!"
I for one, have no intention being talked down to, felt sorry for, or defined by a 'Defect'. Call it a mutation (after all, my kids think I'm a super-hero). An alternative genetic alignment. But not a defect.

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