Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

Thriving Thursday

More on Depression

It's a known fact that people with Neurofibromatosis suffer from depression. I mean who wouldn't be depressed with having a condition that alters you physically, and causes severe, uncontrolled pain?

Sometimes I still find it hard to accept that I was "tagged" with this disorder...and sometimes I still find myself wavering in my explanations to others, about what is happening to my body.

I am a work in progress....I continue to strive for the honesty, rather than the hiding or flat out deceiving others about my NF. Not because I no longer can "hide" my NF, but because it honestly feels good to talk to others about it. When I can teach another human being, and have them look back at me, with shock and amazement that I am 'doing so well' , I get an overwhelming sense of peace and happiness.

I don't take any medications for my depression. Mostly I take accountability for my actions and push through it. But I tell you what, it is HARD to do. I find myself struggling with keeping my moods even, and my spirits up.

If I could find a magic pill to take that would keep me happy, I would....but I honestly feel that there are no magic cures for depression. It takes a lot of acknowledgment and responsibility to manage your moods. Accountability and realizing that you are not alone...and sometimes, the hardest thing of all....reaching out to others.

My New Year Goals:

To Acknowledge I am NOT alone :)
To be a friend to EVERYONE--even the stinky /jerky people :)
To THRIVE with NF, in everything I do
To finish / publish / and sell my book
To donate and support CTF
To continue to support my fellow NFers! (I love you all)
To go to NIH and have surgery, and arrive home safely
To lose 30 or more pounds
To support the changes in my hubby's career
To help my kids THRIVE and stay healthy

Post your NEW YEARS GOALS!!!
Happy New Year

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