Senin, 17 Agustus 2009

Turn it around Tuesday

"When he got into the water, it was like....You know that experiment with water, pepper and soap? People scattered and moved away from him."

My dad called me yesterday. We talked about my blog, and the CafePress stuff I have been doing. He told me how proud he is of me and how impressed he was, that I was doing something like this. This conversation meant the world to me. I have ALWAYS cared what my dad thinks of me...and to have him tell me this, felt so good.

We hung up, then a few minutes later, he called back. He told me of a recent trip to Lava Hot Springs. While at a public pool on his vacation, he noticed a man, who very obviously had Neurofibromatosis. My dad watched, but did not stare at this man, for he knew, he had an immediate connection with him; even though they had never met.

As this man took off his shirt, to enter the pool... my dad's focus switched, to the crowd around him. People staring. Pointing. Laughing.

"When he got into the water, it was like....You know that experiment with water, pepper and soap? People scattered and moved away from him."

My dad got up and went over to introduce himself. It wasn't because he felt sorry for the man....but because of the NF connection. The man didn't seem bothered by what was happening around fact he almost seem oblivious. My dad had a nice conversation with the man and told him about his kids, and how NF has affected our family.

As my dad was telling me this story, I was picturing in my mind how this looked. I hope some of the people there learned something that day. Probably not...but I can hope.

This man. Is a MAN. Who has NF. I wish I was there that day. My new found THRIVING, would have probably talked to some of those people at the pool.

Neurofibromatosis, is NOT contagious! Heck....You can't even "catch it", if I donated my blood to you! Even if I donated one of my kidneys (although mine are in bad shape - so I'll keep them) you wouldn't get NF. NF is found in your GENES...CHROMOSOMES.

I am so proud of my dad.....for not just laying back, to watch this man be stoned by people around him. The acknowledgement of another human being....amazing.

My dad did tell this man about my blog.....and I have no idea if he would choose to come here to read it. But if so.....Welcome to this little corner of the world. Here, you are safe. We see the man beyond the tumors. We respect you. We will never laugh and point at you. AND...we are trying to educate people, so nobody else ever does that to you again.


And Dad...I love you.

PS...I just love how when I do a spell check on my writings...NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, is telling me it's about needing to spread the word and educate people..sheesh!

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