Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009

Freaky Friday

One of my favorite Disney movies!. A young teenager is granted her wish, to switch places with her mother. Their experiences turn out to be quite difficult. Turns out, the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

If I was to be granted this wish....I would probably want to switch places with a well known doctor. So that they could truly experience, what it's like in a NF body. Perhaps learn something.

And me? I could experience life without NF. The pain would be gone. The stares would go away. And I would be "normal".

But I wouldn't want to stay there long. I'd want to come back to everything I have right now....because, it's ALL good...and it's mine :)

The tumors and headaches, yea sure, I'd love for them to go away....But they are what makes me...me. And I'm happy with that.

Who would YOU switch places with? Tell me why.

Have a HAPPY FRIDAY and be Safe!


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