Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Fingers Crossed!

Bailey has gone almost a month without  chemotherapy, and this scares me.  After her port removal last week, we were all set to begin a new course of treatment...But those plans were on hold.

Insurance was denying the new oral chemotherapy and we were left with doing nothing but wait.

It took almost 2 weeks of Bailey's doctors going back and forth, but we finally got her medicine approved!  I never imagined that the I could be so happy about the green light for more chemo.

This past year has flown by...But very little (if any) progress has been made in regards to the tumor that lays deep inside my daughter's brain.  While surgery is NOT an option, chemo has not done what we had hoped either.

The new chemo, will come via UPS on Monday.  Afinitor is a relatively new medication, that comes HIGHLY recommended.  Our Oncologist tells us that kids with Neurofibromatosis tolerate this type of chemo really well, and that they have seem shrinkage, in kids that have the same type of tumor Bailey has.

So we're hopeful!

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