Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

Chemo Doesn't Get a Snow Day!

The kids are so excited to have a Snow Day today...

But our Snow Day happens to also be a Chemo Day.  I sooo wanted to call in sick today and just stay in bed, but when you havet a kiddo who requires weekly treatments, a sick day isn't possible.

Thanks to our neighbor, who let us borrow her 4x4 truck to make the trek out to Aurora, because over 14 inches of snow fell overnight.  Bailey counted 23 accidents on the way.

NF is a lot like living in a permanent blizzard. It can be a dangerous road. We have to get the right resources to make it through, and make the best of what we have. But one way or another, the snow's gonna fall.
This morning, we're plowing through it, later we'll play in it. It's not the snow that's bad, it's what you do with it.

Thrive on!

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