Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

ADHD Relief!

For YEARS, I was that mom who said Iwould never medicate my child, unless it was for something I had nocontrol over medically. I kept repeating my belief to myself overand over...While my daughter's pediatrician listed of possiblemedications to treat her ADHD.

“NO!” I thought...”I'm not goingto do it!”

We have had a lot of experience withADHD medications, but not a lot of luck when dealing with my oldestson...So I was very hesitant to begin the process all over again.

But as I sat in the exam room, with mybouncing-around-the-room 9 year old, watching her hang upside downfrom the swivel chair...I thought, “What the heck?” and decidedto accept the prescription for Ritalin.

Rachel has a lot more going on thanjust ADHD. She also hasNeurofibromatosis and Sensory Integration Disorder. Both of whichare highly complicated and difficult to manage.

Ifilled the new prescription and planned on starting Rachel the nextmorning. She and I talked about how to swallow the small pills andeven practiced with tic tacs....She was just as excited as I was--

Butthat didn't last long-

Atfirst I was thinking it was Rachel's stubbornness not allowing her toswallow the pills...after day 1, 2 and then 3, I realized thatswallowing her pill, was not going to happen.

A callto Rachel's Doctor and a quick change to capsules (so I couldsprinkle the pills into applesauce or pudding) was surely going to bethe answer. But that didn't work either....Rachel Hyper sensitivityto taste and texture had her gagging and throwing up her pills.

Iteven got to the point where Rachel would stop eating her food,because she was afraid I had “hidden” her pill. I was ready togive up...And Rachel was too!

Thenour doctor called with another possible solution. A patch. Worn for8-9 hours a day and removed at night—No pills, No Gagging!

I wasin! Rachel was excited too! I filled the prescription right away,and brought home a box of patches, and showed Rachel where it wouldgo and how it felt.

Wehave been on the patch for a couple weeks now, and while I do notnotice a huge difference, there are minor changes that we see.

Sometimesit takes some “gagging”, to get the right answers, or the rightkind of care. I know for me and my family, we have done A LOT oftrial and error when it comes to our health. We have even “fired”some of the doctors we have gone to, who just don't understand theneeds we have.

Thepoint is...To keep going until you get the answers you arecomfortable with...To be heard, to be understood...And to Never GiveUp!


Rachel showing off the patch on her hip :)

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