Rabu, 10 November 2010

Make A Wish--Neurofibromatosis

Our lives have been greatly blessed.  It has also been greatly challenged.  This is why organizations like Make-a-Wish exist.  We appreciate Make-a-Wish so much, for granting our family, not one, but two trips to Disney World.

When we first got in contact with Make-a-wish, it was because I had been interested in volunteering for the company.  One of the ladies who works there, began to follow my blog.  She read about the string of complications that my 7yr old daughter was facing.

I was asked to apply for a wish for Rachel, who was then undergoing treatment for vision loss.  We applied and the whole family was sent off to Give Kids the World in Orlando.  Rachel's wish of meeting the Princesses and seeing the castle came true, and it was absolutely amazing!.

Almost 6 months later, and after our move....I got an email from a woman who worked in the Colorado office of  Make-a-Wish.  She was asking me about volunteer opportunities within the company.  In my e-mail reply to her was a link to my blog, in which she clicked and began reading.

The stories of what my family had been facing, she told me, broke her heart.  "Bailey needs a wish" she said. Hesitantly I agreed to apply .... Knowing that most families are lucky to receive ONE wish, and here we were, about to receive TWO!

Without prompting ....We met with the wish folks and Bailey listed off 4 of her top wishes.
1- To go to Hollywood to see the taping of Sonny with a Chance
2- An I-PAD
3- To be a chef and learn some cooking tips
4- To be able to go back to Disney World

A few days later, I got a call telling me that Make-a-Wish wanted to send the family back to Florida.  I was shocked!  I was sure that Bailey would have gotten one of her less extravagant wishes.

The wish granter gave me dates, that were to be only  a few weeks away.  YIKES!

So, as we prepare for our trip, we keep in mind how truly special this gift is....And want to THANK the organization for blessing our family with this wonderful experience.

With surgery looming for Bailey, we will make sure to take it all in, and make memories that will last forever.


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