Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Sensory Processing Disorder

Even when Rachel was a newborn, I knew there was something different about her. She came out of me, totally silent. She looked around the room taking everything in.

The Nurse to get her to cry by rubbing and flicking her feet, s triedbut she just laid there.

When I brought Rachel home from the hospital, she never left my side. When she did, she erupted in uncontrollable crying.

I mentioned to Rachel's doctors at every visit that she was a very "clingy" baby and was only content when I would hold her and nurse her.

It was suggested by the doctor that we get Rachel a "binky", so she could learn to sooth herself, and give me a little break. She became very attached to the binky, not giving it up until she was 3 yrs old.

The binky did help, but as Rachel began crawling then eventually walking, the "fussiness" became more like tantrums. Rachel didn't walk on her own until she was almost 2 yrs old, the "fits" she had, I admit had her in my arms for most of the first 2 yrs of her life.

While I knew it wasn't helping Rachel to be constantly holding her...It seemed the only way, to have a relaxed baby. The whole "let her cry it out" thing, just wasn't something I was about to do with her.

As Rachel grew into a toddler and preschool age the attachment to me got less and less. She would go off on her own to play, but as soon as someone other than me, got into her space, she would scream and cry.

Smells and loud noises also triggered Rachel to throw tantrums. She would gag with smells and cover her ears with noises like cars or the tv. She didn't like tags or "scratchy" clothing. All of the doctors reassured me that we just had a sensitive child, and just needed to be patient...she would surely outgrow this.

A recent round of tests, prompted by Rachel's constant complaints of leg pain, led into a direction, where all of the lights just seemed to go on. Xrays of Rachel's leg showed bowing and "inflammation". Neurospych evaluations began to show a bi-polar/ADHD/ sensory issues.

Fitting the puzzle pieces together, finally gave us a diagnoses of Sensory Integration Disorder. It explained so much of what we were experiencing with Rachel. While I was happy to have the diagnoses I still refuse to slap a label on her. While labels can help us understand the problem, they can also limited the possibilities of a solution.

Check out this list for signs for SID. If you feel your child fits this diagnoses, please notify your child's doctor. This blog is NOT meant to give a diagnoses...just information.

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