Selasa, 13 April 2010

True Life MTV, Neurofibromatosis

I have to admit, I was a little worried about how Mtv would portray Neurofibromatosis. Would they make us out to be freaks? Would they give misinformation about the disorder? I have seen some of the shows on Mtv....and was thinking the show could go horribly wrong.

But I was impressed. I watched the show with most of my kids. Rachel was funny. When someone on the show said "I have NF", Rachel said, "Wow...I have that too!" Bailey and Riley were very interested in the show too.

During the commercials, my children asked questions...."Why can't they remove all of the tumors?" "Why will the tumors grow back?" and Bailey says, "This makes me feel sad. But these people are still smiling and still pushing through....So will I!" (Another proud mommy moment)

I enjoyed the bits with the Drs...and how the show portrayed the true emotional pain that NF causes. I was so happy with Bekha and seeing the before and afters of the surgery that removed a tumor from her spine!

All in All I was impressed.....

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