Senin, 20 Juli 2009


Nothing like getting back into the swing of things. The time away was great....but now reality has taken hold of me, and I must come down from my high....
This week is FILLED with appointments. Our first one was to the Ear, Nose and Throat Doc., for Bailey. A few months ago, she had quite an ear infection, that ended up busting her ear drum. *ouch* Poor girl! We had to see a specialist, because it was not healing very well.
While in the waiting room, I noticed an older woman, sitting by herself, next to the window. I didn't stare, but I did notice some bumps, along her neck and down her arms. She was wearing long sleeves, that were pushed up to her elbows. Her eyes were dark, and sunk in a bit. Her mouth was drawn and tight. She looked worn and tired. I saw "NF" all over her....even though what was visual, was just a few bumps.
I casually made my way over to her, by placing a magazine on the table that was next to where she was sitting. We made eye contact and smiled at each other. It was an instant connection. She made a comment about the girls, and how good they were being (even tho they were running the walls and driving me bananas) She asked the ages, and was shocked to hear I had two more kids at home. :)
Several minutes of light hearted conversation went my head were spinning thoughts about how I could mention NF, without making her feel bad. I didn't want her to think that her NF was very noticeable, because it honestly wasn't. I only saw, what I see on me. NFers can almost "sniff it out"...LOL
So, I just said it, I asked if she knew about NF. The look on her face was that of shock. She smiled and told me "YES!" A few years ago I never EVER would have acknowledged NF in myself, let alone, asked about it in another person.
She was a delightful woman, and we exchanged e-mail addresses. I shook her hand and told her that she was a beautiful woman....that the only reason I saw her NF, was because I had it too. It seems she felt the world get a little bit smaller.
It's hard going through life, with a disease (God I hate that word...makes it sound like I'm infected with the plague) that no one knows about, and few deal with.. on a personal basis. So, I am making a point to go outside my little BOX...anytime I see an opportunity.........THE TURN AROUND doing something you wouldn't normally do. Go above and beyond the call of duty, and surprise may just make a new friend...or leave quite the impression on someone.

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